Thursday, February 19, 2009


today (19-02-09) in this evening i go to the park with my sister to play and i meet with my friend there. i want to play swing with my friend . but there was a big boy with his brother also want to play, we was first on the swing but that boy not allowed us to play that swing because that is their swing . but we are not scared we say "we are first so you have to looking for another swing". but they didn't want it . and we didn't want to go and we just stay there and play. then they throw us with the sands so i do it back, then they throw it again and again so i really angry they run away but i will never let them go i run to catch his brother and my friend help me to catch his big brother . when that boy i catch i beat him and he beat me too ,he say that "Indonesian is poor" so i say" Indonesian are not poor they are brave" .then my father come to that boy, but his big brother is run away. so only that boy my father say to him "be a good boy! " he shouted .
then i go home with my father .

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